What is a waste heat power kiln?

A two-stage waste heat power generation system using a vertical waste heat boiler and a steam-supplemented steam turbine generator unit. The vertical waste heat boiler completely solves the problem of air leakage in the horizontal waste heat boiler and the actual distribution of the temperature field in the furnace is completely different from the temperature assumed during the boiler design. It can greatly increase the boiler steam output; the grate cooler or vertical waste heat boiler discharges The waste heat of exhaust gas at around 200℃ can be fully recovered and used to generate electricity. In this way, the waste heat power generation per ton of clinker can be increased to more than 195 kilowatt hours under the premise that the clinker heat consumption remains unchanged, so that the comprehensive energy consumption of the cement kiln reaches the energy consumption level of the precalciner kiln of the same scale, and the economic benefits are much higher than the precalciner kiln. Decomposition kiln. In addition to the advantages of the secondary waste heat power generation system, the secondary waste heat supplementary combustion power generation system of the waste heat power kiln can also solve the operational safety and environmental protection issues of the cement kiln pulverized coal preparation system. At the same time, for cement plants in areas with serious power shortages or with other kiln types such as vertical kilns, vertical kilns, wet kilns, dry rotary kilns, etc., it can also solve the power supply problem and further improve economic benefits.

Lesley Zhu

Hi, this is Lesley Zhu, I have been working in the cement industry for more than 10 years, and I also have a professional team behind me. If you want to purchase cement spare parts or have related technical questions, please feel free to contact me.

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