Maintenance and Repair of Mechanical Equipment in Cement Plant

Maintenance issues of mechanical equipment in cement plants
1.Wear and tear

Wear refers to the wear or damage caused by a certain part of the equipment.
Mainly including cutting, friction and grinding. Cutting refers to cutting tools or
Tools may rub and break within a certain range. Among them, friction is mainly caused by friction; grinding refers to the phenomenon of damage to parts caused by cutting.
Therefore, operating procedures and process requirements must be carefully implemented during the production process to ensure that cement machinery and equipment operate in good condition.

Wear includes two forms of longitudinal and transverse wear. Transverse wear is caused by the gap between the inner blade and the outer blade, while longitudinal wear is caused by the equipment being unable to withstand internal pressure. Longitudinal friction is caused by transverse moments; transverse friction is caused by longitudinal moments. In daily work, the maintenance system must be carefully implemented to ensure that the equipment is fully supervised and managed during operation, and at the same time, material performance analysis and testing must be done well. Abnormalities found during use should be eliminated promptly. During the maintenance process, the material properties and dimensions of the parts can be adjusted to improve their function. Only by ensuring that mechanical equipment is in good working condition can it run more smoothly and efficiently.


Since mechanical equipment has certain working pressure, load and operating temperature, etc., it will occur when the mechanical equipment is operating at high speed.
A certain amount of cracks. The most common defects include pores, burn damage, and peeling. Porosity is caused by the internal pressure of the mechanical equipment during the startup, operation and shutdown of cement equipment. Its main impact is the formation of cracks, but the losses it causes are also very large. Generally, it needs to be eliminated through overhaul. This defect. Therefore, when cracks occur in cement machinery and equipment, attention must be paid to the degree of damage.

For example, when a crack occurs in cement machinery equipment close to the cylinder block and cylinder head, its working status and damage must be carefully observed in order to determine the best repair plan and take corresponding measures to deal with it. In addition, cracks must be carefully inspected and fixed in place with wooden rods, iron wires or nails; damaged parts must be repaired first, and those that cannot be repaired must be repaired first.
It must not be continued to be used; newly purchased cement machinery and equipment that have not yet been overhauled must be installed in accordance with the original design drawings; cement equipment that is seriously damaged and has a large number must be overhauled. Cement equipment that has been used for a long time and is more serious must be repaired or replaced with new parts.

Before repairing, first check whether there are cracks; at the same time, carefully clean the dust and debris at the cracks to prevent the cracks from continuing to expand; at the same time, the surface of the concrete equipment must be treated and carefully observed whether there are cracks, etc.


In cement machinery and equipment, damage to bearings and cylinder walls can lead to poor lubrication and other phenomena. During operation, these wear and tear are fatal. Therefore, the maintenance of mechanical equipment should strengthen the management of lubricating oil and grease, and promptly replace failed parts and leaking oil channels.
lubricant inside. If you replace unqualified lubricating oil or grease, you must strictly follow the instruction manual or use it reasonably during operation; when wear is serious, repair or replace new oil and bearings in time according to the characteristics of the fault. At the same time, inspections of the wear conditions of bearings and cylinders should be strengthened, and repairs and replacements should be made immediately if abnormalities are found. In case of serious wear on the shaft end face When the bearing clearance is unreasonable due to other reasons, it should be adjusted in time to ensure the lubrication effect. At the same time, the operation should be strictly carried out in accordance with the instruction manual.

If the equipment is stuck, it needs to be shut down for maintenance; when replacing parts, it must be shut down for maintenance before it can be restarted; if it needs to be shut down for maintenance immediately after maintenance, it must be repaired and parts replaced after it is restored to its original condition. Therefore, if cement machinery and equipment get stuck during use, parts should be repaired and replaced in time to allow for re-operation; once equipment faults are found, they should be eliminated in time to avoid harm to the normal production of cement companies. For this kind of problem, Detailed analysis and research must be conducted to ensure that the cement production cycle can be effectively shortened, production costs reduced, and cement product quality effectively guaranteed. Of course, in specific maintenance work, more maintenance methods and measures can also be used to improve the effect of this phenomenon.

4 Deformation

If the equipment is deformed or damaged seriously, it will have a certain impact on the development of the cement industry. The main reasons for equipment deformation are:

①Loosening of bolts and nuts.

②The bolts and nuts are not installed correctly.

③The oil cylinder and piston are deformed.

④Deformation of mechanical parts.

⑤The bearing load is too large or the bearing fails.

⑥The oil cylinder, piston and its connecting pin are deformed.

⑦ Excessive spring pressure causes deformation.

⑧The bearing is overloaded or the bearing fails.

Therefore, it is necessary to inspect all parts to eliminate the causes of equipment deformation.
Due to the deformation of the equipment, the equipment cannot operate normally, causing the equipment to be unable to fully perform its functions and even leading to equipment failure. Opening
When performing maintenance work, the following measures can be taken:

A. Check and deal with deformation problems in time. Before inspection, the deformation problem should be analyzed and corresponding preventive measures and methods should be proposed.

B. Eliminate nuts in equipment that do not meet standard requirements in a timely manner.

C. Increase the intensity and speed of repairs to parts that may malfunction.

D. Do a good job of cleaning up.

5. Corrosion

The corrosion of mechanical equipment in cement plants is mainly due to the chemical properties of the metal itself, plus the oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor produced in the environment. Caused by gas and other substances. Among them, the corrosion of metal by water vapor is the most serious. Under water vapor conditions, metal atoms diffuse into the surrounding air. In cement machinery, water vapor can cause local high-temperature heating and the production of oxide films on metal surfaces. After being oxidized, the oxide film will cause defects, such as cracks, peeling, and missing carbides.

Due to the corrosive effects of water and oxygen on metals, they have varying degrees of absorptivity and selectivity. When oxygen is at higher temperatures, water and metal, Chemical reactions that produce hydrogen and cause serious failures are called acid water damage or alkaline water damage; alkaline water damage occurs when oxygen reacts with metal; when water reacts with oxygen, corrosive products are formed; When water and oxygen mix explosively, it is oxidative corrosion damage; when water and oxygen cannot react well, it is acid corrosion damage. If the electric heating wire selected in the cement equipment fails (such as the temperature is too high or too low), the thermochemical reaction produced will destroy the matrix alloy layer inside the metal and render it useless.

Because the temperature is too high or too low, the metal in the molten steel can form pores and cracks, causing corrosion. Therefore, during the process of overhaul and improvement of technical processes, electric heating wires with good corrosion resistance must be used to enhance the corrosion resistance of mechanical equipment.

Suggestions on repair and maintenance of cement plant equipment
1 Strengthen the construction of maintenance teams and improve the overall quality of maintenance personnel.

The maintenance management of cement machinery and equipment is a huge systematic project, which requires maintenance personnel to have high maintenance skills and rich maintenance experience. At the same time, the training of maintenance personnel is also an arduous task. Due to the relatively high requirements for maintenance technology, maintenance personnel must have solid maintenance theoretical knowledge and proficient maintenance skills, and must have A very high level of maintenance management. Cement machinery and equipment maintenance personnel must have the following characteristics:

A. Maintenance personnel must have a thorough understanding of mechanical equipment maintenance technology and master the core technologies of mechanical equipment maintenance management.

B. Must have a high sense of professionalism and responsibility, master professional technical knowledge and be able to apply it to actual maintenance management work.

C Must have strong professional knowledge and technical ability, be able to bear hardships and stand hard work, be willing to contribute, pursue perfection and have professionalism.

D. Master various equipment maintenance knowledge and skills, and be able to operate and handle complex cases independently.

Therefore, the level of maintenance management determines the status and future development direction of enterprise maintenance management in the industry to a certain extent. Improving the comprehensive quality of maintenance personnel means improving their familiarity with equipment performance, improving their comprehensive maintenance capabilities, operation level and maintenance capabilities. Repair level. Maintenance personnel must constantly learn new knowledge and new technologies, constantly improve their working methods, constantly improve their professional quality, and master various aspects of knowledge such as equipment performance, maintenance theory, working principles, and on-site working conditions. In addition, they also need to Continuously update ideas. Maintenance personnel will encounter many new problems during their mechanical technical work. In order to ensure the quality of maintenance, maintenance personnel must master certain maintenance theoretical knowledge and skills. Maintenance personnel must establish a lifelong learning concept and adhere to Apply what you learn to continuously improve your mastery of mechanical equipment maintenance knowledge and comprehensive maintenance capabilities.

2. Pay attention to the operating environment of cement machinery and equipment

Construction managers should conduct certain management of the operating environment of mechanical equipment. The installation location of cement machinery should be based on the specific design Preparation conditions should be optimized. In terms of environmental management, special personnel should be regularly dispatched to clean the dust on the cement surface to ensure the normal operation of the machine. In addition, in daily machinery and equipment, workers should be reminded to be careful to prevent dust from splashing onto the machine when using it, so as not to cause damage to the machine.

3. Increase the renovation of key equipment parts

In order to ensure the normal use of cement machinery and equipment, during maintenance work, maintenance ideas and methods must be combined, and key parts of the machine must be overhauled. For example, rolling bearings are most common in rolling mills. During maintenance, the temperature and vibration of the bearings must be checked frequently. Large roller presses are tested by adding various computer technologies and intelligent systems, so that fault problems can be accurately determined and the main problems can be clearly understood. The working condition of the part. The failure inspection of the converter is also critical. Its job is to inspect various key parts of the drum and wheels, and use related detection devices such as tire gap meters and infrared thermometers to effectively inspect the temperature and gaps in the furnace. . Efficient maintenance of key components plays an important role in improving the operating quality of the entire device.

4. Carry out targeted inspection and maintenance based on the cause of the fault

The inspection and maintenance of cement machinery and equipment are relatively complex, which requires finding the root cause of the problem and carrying out targeted inspections, thereby improving the quality of the entire inspection work. During the inspection, it is necessary to check the internal factors of the machine, check whether the internal structure of the machine is reasonable, whether the material selection of components is scientific, and whether the manufacturing process meets the requirements. These will have an impact on the working quality of the machine. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with it from the source to achieve quality assurance in product assembly and production processes. The external reasons are factors such as the application environment, operating load, installation and debugging of the equipment, as well as corrosion and dust, which will adversely affect the work of the machine. Noise, so pay attention to environmental issues when performing maintenance. During the maintenance period, relevant departments must keep records of the maintenance work to lay a good foundation for the implementation of future maintenance work.

5. Optimize the maintenance service system and improve maintenance service capabilities.

To improve maintenance efficiency, maintenance resources must be reasonably allocated and utilized. In terms of service system, it mainly adopts different forms or levels of service items for different manufacturers and different types of equipment. For equipment maintenance, attention should be paid to the construction of the maintenance service team, especially the strengthening of maintenance team construction and technical training, and regular maintenance of the maintenance team. Conduct assessments; at the same time, efforts should be made to build the service system and improve the quality of maintenance services. In terms of maintenance resource integration, it is necessary to realize the integration and interoperability of the maintenance service system and other production and maintenance service systems. In terms of after-sales guarantee, cement companies also need to establish a complete after-sales service system to ensure Improve after-sales service capabilities. Due to the high technical content and high requirements of the cement industry, with the continuous emergence of new technologies and new processes, as well as the continuous improvement of production and operating technology levels, cement companies need to ensure that after-sales equipment can better serve the company. keep learning.

Lesley Zhu

Hi, this is Lesley Zhu, I have been working in the cement industry for more than 10 years, and I also have a professional team behind me. If you want to purchase cement spare parts or have related technical questions, please feel free to contact me.

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